Today's Headlines


The combined efforts of the local government, the Shandong provincial educational system, local and international companies and the foreign investors have resulted in the following status:
1,  One million square meters of land has been secured to EUST, through its preparation office.
2, More than 700 students will enter EUST, in Fall 2003 semester, through the Chinese University entrance examinations of summer 2003, through cooperation with Linyi Normal University.
3,  100 international students, from worldwide, will be accepted for Fall 2003 semester, based on a competitive basis.

The students, per discipline will be: Electrical Engineering: 200, Telecommunications: 200, Chemical Engineering: 50, Business Management: 200, and Finance: 150.
During the first year of studies, the students will study English, the official language of the University, a second language required by the prospective future employer and get prepared to the free market, since EUST graduates will mainly get into world leaders international firms.
Simultaneously, EUST is hiring professors and personnel, internationally, to provide the best education and preparation to EUST’s students. For Fall 2003, EUST is seeking for some more English language and terminology teachers as well as teachers to prepare the young students for the free market economy.